MTSS Consortia: Session 3

MTSS Consortia: Session 3

Led by Patti Atkinson, School Climate Specialist, NGRESA

We will continue communicating and collaborating best practices to support the Ga MTSS implementation.  We will have our Ga DOE Technical Assistant, Jessica Clark, joining us to support our NGRESA Districts in a continued smooth implementation of Ga MTSS.  We will have activities and break out groups for collaborating and problem solving.  We will continue to dig deeper into data based decision making for academics, behavior and wellbeing! Breakfast will be included too! We hope you can join us!

Target Audience:  School Administrators, School Counselors, Classroom Teachers, SPED Teachers, ESOL Teachers, Academic Coaches, Instructional Coaches, and Instructional Lead Strategists

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Event Information

Event Date 04-22-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 04-22-2025 11:30 am
Individual Price Free
Location North Georgia RESA